When we first moved here in October, it was apparent that the previous occupant had not taken care of the back yard. The overgrowth was horrendous and it was probably about chest high on me. We decided to wait for spring to come before we did anything about it, thinking that the "harsh winter weather" would kill some of it off, making it easier to clean up come spring.
We had a fairly mild winter here though, so we ended up hiring someone to come and clear it out for us back around the end of April.
When he was done, we went back there and found quite a few things...tiles, sink fixtures, random trash, cans etc. It was almost as if at some point, someone had used the back yard as their personal trash disposal. We cleaned it all up, took care of a few large rocks that were in the way, and after the grass grew back in, mowed it.
There was this one little spot, along the side of the yard bordering the woods, that the bulldozer didn't clear. It wasn't a big deal though so we just decided we would do it ourselves. It was one of those things though (which I am sure everyone can relate to) that was forever on the "to do" list. Well, today, we finally decided to do it. Ryun was out there with the mower and I was out there with him, going through the brush, picking up any large sticks, rocks, and whatever else might have been hazardous to the mower.
So, I picked up a few rocks, chucked a few sticks out in to the woods and then reached down and came up with this:

Yes folks, that is the skull of what Ryun and I, based on our "scientific observations" believe was a small dog. Nice huh?
Ryun is so totally in to all those forensic specials, autopsies etc. I asked him how old he thought it was. His best guess was a couple of years. Based on the structure of the skull (long bridge of the nose type look) we decided that we think it was a small dog. It sort of looked reptilian to me (aligator-like) but let's be realistic: there aren't any alligators in Middleboro.
Here's another shot of the skull tipped upside down:

What do you think?
Small dog or something else?
Oh and incidently, the yard...

Looking down at the yard from the garage.

I love this tree. Don't ask me why, I just do.

Looking out at the woods beyond the border of the back yard.

Looking from the furthest point in the back yard, all the way up to the garage, which is actually behind, rather than next to our house.
We had a fairly mild winter here though, so we ended up hiring someone to come and clear it out for us back around the end of April.
When he was done, we went back there and found quite a few things...tiles, sink fixtures, random trash, cans etc. It was almost as if at some point, someone had used the back yard as their personal trash disposal. We cleaned it all up, took care of a few large rocks that were in the way, and after the grass grew back in, mowed it.
There was this one little spot, along the side of the yard bordering the woods, that the bulldozer didn't clear. It wasn't a big deal though so we just decided we would do it ourselves. It was one of those things though (which I am sure everyone can relate to) that was forever on the "to do" list. Well, today, we finally decided to do it. Ryun was out there with the mower and I was out there with him, going through the brush, picking up any large sticks, rocks, and whatever else might have been hazardous to the mower.
So, I picked up a few rocks, chucked a few sticks out in to the woods and then reached down and came up with this:

Yes folks, that is the skull of what Ryun and I, based on our "scientific observations" believe was a small dog. Nice huh?
Ryun is so totally in to all those forensic specials, autopsies etc. I asked him how old he thought it was. His best guess was a couple of years. Based on the structure of the skull (long bridge of the nose type look) we decided that we think it was a small dog. It sort of looked reptilian to me (aligator-like) but let's be realistic: there aren't any alligators in Middleboro.
Here's another shot of the skull tipped upside down:

What do you think?
Small dog or something else?
Oh and incidently, the yard...

Looking down at the yard from the garage.

I love this tree. Don't ask me why, I just do.

Looking out at the woods beyond the border of the back yard.

Looking from the furthest point in the back yard, all the way up to the garage, which is actually behind, rather than next to our house.
small dog? yeah or a fox maybe. Looks like you have lots of room. That is the way I like it..I hate fences although looks like I may have to build one to keep the teenagers on bikes from tearing up my flower beds and garden beds. Good fences make good neighbors I have heard but I still like it when neighbors respect each other.
Yeah, actually, after I posted that I thought it was more likely a fox or a coyote. We do have coyotes way out back in the woods beyond the yard so it is possible.
And yes, we do have a lot of room. The lot is sort of rectangular in shape so our neighbors are close on either side...so far no problems with any of them so that's good. I hate fences too...respect is so much nicer! : )
Small dog?!?!?!!? That thing looks huge to me!!!!! (Maybe it is just the picture though??)
I'm with Guy. It's a fox or a coyote most likely.
HOLY CRAP SHARON, that was all dirt back in April right? WOW it looks awesome now. GOOD JOB.
The yard looks great.
I bet that Ryun has been thinking how to make that skull into a hood orniment or something hasn't he?
Thanks Trace...even though I really didn't do anything! LOL. The grass just kind of came back! It does look 100 % better though huh?
LOL Wayne...I actually hucked it in to the woods...wouldn't put it past him to go find it though! Ha ha ha!
My boyfriend is in the Department of Natural Resources. He says it's a gray wolf. He was all stoked to see a skull when he was (annoyingly) reading over my shoulder. He HAD to go grab his reference books and figure out the species. ;)
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