" Please visit me at my new online home, www.thevolunteermom.com."

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Things I Need To Do With This Blog

...update the blogroll again. It seems I am always adding to the list of blogs I read...I probably have about 5 more that I need to add at this point.

...customize it a bit more, maybe liven it up with a little more color or something.

...link my new scrappin' blog that I started.

...find out how the hell trackbacks work? Anyone? Like I said before I understand the concept, just don't know how to make it actually happen. Help?


Caltechgirl said...

go to haloscan.com. You can set up comments and Tbs for blogger there for free. Simple cut and paste code.

Anonymous said...

What she said.

Trackbacks are when you send a "ping" to another blog, containing certain information that the software handles, and that other blog has a link to your referring post appear in its trackback box. Inline trackbacks are when someone has programmed it to let those trackback links appear right in/beneath the associated post, rather than in a separate window you can click to from/under the post. It's like being able to "leave a comment" by mentioning the post on your blog but letting the other blogger and their readers know about it.

You're coming in kind of late, in that many blogs have been turning trackbacks off because spammers use them. That is because it is a way to get a link on someone else's site and move yourself up in search engines. By the same token, inline trackbacks were invented largely as a way of taking advantage of how things like Truth Laid Bear's Ecosystem counted links and measured popularity, but he reformulated because of people who did "open trackbacks" to artificially inflate themselves. There are still many people way up in the ecosystem who are there through that and similar manipulation, or got there initially that way.

Even if you don't have trackbacks and don't have a way of sending them, you can use Wizbang's standalone trackback tool. Sometimes if I really want to leave a trackback and one will not be accepted from my blog - seems like certain ones are touchy and don't like Expression Engine and barely work for anyone else either - I use that.

To send a trackback, the key thing you need is the trackback URL. Some people call it a URI, which I am convinced is because somewhere along the line someone misread the L as an I and then made up words that would fit the acronym. Sometimes you have to click, highlight, copy. Other times you right-click a link to the trackback URL and choose to copy the link. Then you use that in your trackback sender. Other info that gets sent is your post's URL, your blog's name, your post's title, and an excerpt of the beginning of your post. It is normally considered rude and unacceptable if your post does not include a link to the post you are tracking back.