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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Still Busy

Katherine is home with me today, after she woke up complaining that her stomach hurt and, well, let's just say she wasn't lying. She is better now so I am beginning to think she may have been hypoglycemic (which actually can cause vomiting). She is acting like her regular old self at this point so it doesn't seem like she is really sick, but we will see. I didn't notice the typical fruity, medicinal smell on her breath that is generally present when her sugar is low but that doesn't mean that she wasn't.

I am in the midst of an enormous scrapbooking project and it has taken up quite a bit of time. That culminated with my everyday "work" with Julia (PT, OT) hasn't left much time for blogging.

I have an appointment tonight.

Julia has her EEG tomorrow.

I have food shopping and a meeting on Thursday.

I am going to the zoo with Katherine's class on Friday and going to a crop at the Mitchell Club on Friday.

So, I expect that blogging will indeed be light over the next few days.

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