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Saturday, June 10, 2006


...I spent about an hour last night and another good chunk of time this morning cleaning up bodily fluids! Oh what fun!

Katherine's got it one way, Julia's got it the other, and Ryun has a weak stomach for this type of thing. So you know, it's super mom/wife to the rescue.

Anyway, neither child has gotten sick again so that's good.

I spent the day yesterday at the zoo with Katherine's class. I had Katherine and two other girls with me and for the most part, they were all very well behaved. I had to keep telling one girl not to run but other than that. I got some big bonus points when I took them to the playground just outside of the zoo and was even told on the way out that I was the "best grownup ever." Gotta love kids! I took some pictures that I tried to get printed yesterday but CVS sucks and their machine was broken. I really need to get a refill for my photo printer and go back to doing this at home. This is not the first time I have had this problem with CVS.

I went to the crop at the club last night and while I was able to finish one project and start and complete another, I forgot to bring the one thing that I was really looking forward to working on. So, I ended up leaving about a half of an hour early because I ran out of things to do. It was fun though and Kelly did bring those yummy oatmeal cookies...

Emily's overnight camping ended up being cancelled. I found out early in the morning that it wasn't happening but I didn't want her to go off to school upset so I waited until she got home to tell her. I was bracing myself for what I thought was going to be something similar to the fires of hell burning me alive but, she took it remarkably well, just another sign that the med changes are really working.

Anyway, I am headed out in a few to get something I need for dinner and then I am hoping to spend the rest of the afternoon organizing the office!

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