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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I have been meaning to blog about Julia's first appointment with the OT.

As soon as we pulled in the parking lot of Health South, Julia started saying "Debbie" and "ball" and "bubbles", fully expecting that we were going to see her PT. So, when Amy, who Julia has only met once walked out, Julia burst in to tears. I felt bad for Amy but she understood!

When we went back to the gym, Julia settled a little and played with some of the toys while Amy got the high chair and some snacks. During our initial visit she didn't really get to see Julia eat anything except cheerios. Julia was not all that cooperative, still thrown off a bit I think from her initial reaction to seeing Amy rather than Debbie. Amy took out some bubbles and started blowing them for Julia which settled her down briefly but she started up again when Amy wouldn't give her the full bottle of bubbles to dump out (that Amy, she's so mean...LOL). After a few minutes of an all out tantrum, we gave her some toys to play with and Amy showed me the NUK brush that I will be using on Julia, to help "wake her mouth up" just before meals.

I will be rubbing this on the insides of both cheeks, her tongue and on her palate, just behind her top front teeth.

Julia was so not excited about this when Amy demonstrated at our meeting but, I have done it a couple of times now and she appears to be getting used to it.

I also have to play "mouth games" with her (such as having her tap her mouth and say "ahhhh" as well as having me massage her cheeks).

I was talking to my aunt the other day and I said to her that I never in a million years new how much "work" this was going to be. I do mean work in the nicest of ways of course, because you all know I would do anything to help my children. It's such an unbelievable difference between a child who just does everything and a child who needs an extra push with just about everything that for most people just comes naturally. As I said to my aunt on the phone, "I have to teach my kid how to eat. It's just weird."

I am not sure if I am adequately expressing what I am thinking here. It's hard to explain really.

Anyway, I am very much looking forward to the day that I can give Julia something like corn on the cob or an apple and she will know to pick it up and bite it...or macaroni and cheese and she will know that she shouldn't just swallow it whole...or even a cracker and she will know that she should take the initial bite with her front teeth but then switch to the side for chewing, rather than just mashing it with her tongue so it gets soft enough to swallow.

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