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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Not that I Am That Superstitious..

...but after my last post about what a good listener I am, I noticed that my post count was at 666, and I thought, "I better add another entry."

So here I am, to update y'all regarding Julia's previously mentioned appointment.

First off, let me just tell you how wonderful her developmental pediatrician is. She's so...you know, down to earth. She has a way of putting you totally at ease and, as she well should be, is very good with children.

Anyway, the appointment itself went well. As I suspected, she re-assesed Julia, doing some of the same things she did with Julia 6 months ago. The only difference between this time and last? Julia "passed" with flying colors. She negotiated a shape sorting puzzle better than I think a 3 year old would, built a tower of blocks 4 high, and put every peg in it's correct spot on the peg board. She was quite verbal and very interactive with the doctor (after she got over the fact that I had the nerve to take her out of the waiting room and all the toys out there).

While Dr. B was impressed with her progress, she, like me, feels that Julia will still benefit from continued services through EI and Health South. She told me that, if when Julia's assesment comes up they decide to "kick her to the curb" to call her and she will get in touch with them and tell them why she thinks Julia still needs the "extra help."

So that's it. Emily and Katherine were awesome...a big help in encouraging Julia to "perform." Emily even sang to her when she was upset about something, and Julia calmed right down.

I don't want to jinx myself so I won't say anything like, "I can't believe how well Emily and Katherine have been getting along" or "how fabulously they have been behaving at our various outings."

No, I won't say anything like that.

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