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Friday, June 16, 2006


This morning, I turned on the Disney Channel at 8 so Julia could watch one of her favorite shows, Little Einsteins. The theme song was playing when I turned it on and Julia said, "baby stein!" It was clear as day and kind of funny that she combined "Baby Einstein" with "Little Einsteins."

I talked yesterday to her PT at EI to find out if she thought Julia would still be eligible for services when her assessment comes up next month. At 24 months, the delay needs to be 6 months, which Julia is sort of teetering on the edge of (at least with the gross motor). Personally, I would like to see her services continue, as I think she really benefits from it and I really think she needs the reinforcement through both EI and Health South. Her PT thought that she more than likely would be eligible, but,that if she had some sort of diagnosis, that her eligibility would be automatic. So, I am really going to get on the ball next week with the neurologist (he's on vacation this week) and get her EEG ordered and scheduled. It's not like I want her to have a diagnosis, but if she has one, I need to let EI know sometime either before or just after her assesment.

The other route would be to have her see a feeding specialist through EI, which, there's absolutely no question she will be eligible for. While we would focus on feeding, EI usually encompasses all areas of development, so there would be a little PT worked in as well.

In the meantime, she really is doing quite well. She is talking more and more everyday. Her newest phrase? "Where go?" which she says while holding her hands up in dismay.

Physically, she really hasn't started anything new, but she is definitely gaining confidence in the abilities she has already mastered, which is good.

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