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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Finding What Works

As mentioned previously,I have noticed some very positive changes in Emily's behavior. I have told her as much on a number of occasions and I think she is really happy with the positive feedback.

Last week sometime she asked me if she could have my old digital camera, once we got the new one. I told her that I would really have to think about that and that I needed to see some responsibility shown with the things she already has for me to even consider it (she is not known for her organization skills and often, things are broken or ruined by her lack of care or concern for her toys etc). I also told her that giving her a camera would be a wonderful reward for her if she showed more positive changes in her behavior, and kept up with the good work she was already doing.

The other day, something happened, and for the life of me I can't remember exactly what right now, but her reaction was so "not what we have been seeing" that I said, "Wow Emily, that was awesome! I am so proud of you and the changes you are making." She said, "Well, I really want that camera."

After all we have tried, all we have not tried, the fights, the tears, the "OMG I am going crazy" moments, it's a digital camera that's done the trick (along with the increase in the Lamictal). Who'd have ever guessed? I made sure to explain to her that if she does get the camera, that the changes have to continue beyond the day she gets it, or it could just as easily be taken away.

I also need to find a way of explaining that good behavior is not always going to be rewarded with high end electronics...you know like the MP3 player she's been begging for. I suspect that she is however, getting beyond the point of getting a sticker as a reward. LOL.

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