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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Emily's Party

Of course, just because we planned a pool party for the first time ever to celebrate Emily's birthday with her friends, it is going to be 60 f'ing degrees tomorrow. I sincerely doubt any swimming will take place which really sucks. Emily was so excited about the pool party plan. Goddamn Mother Nature.

In anticipation of this I bought a bunch of craft type things that we are going to do instead. I figured if it rained or wasn't warm enough, we could do crafts, and if the kids were swimming because it was nice, the crafts could just go home with them to do and serve as contents for a goody bag.

So, it looks like we are going to do a make and take instead.

I feel really sad about the whole thing though, and it's got me thinking.

I really hope Emily doesn't have the kind of luck I do (the kind of luck basically meaning none). Seriously, for my whole life really, if something has had the option of going the good way or the bad, it has always gone the bad. As an adult, although I still maintain my overall optimistic attitude regardless, I have gotten used to this and don't exactly expect the worst, but am not too shocked when it is the worst. It's just the way my life goes and it's the way it always has.

For a kid, though (and speaking as a kid who has been through it), it sucks. If there was any chance in hell that it would rain on the day that we scheduled Emily's party, it was basically a given that it would. If every kid in the world walked over the rock, you can be pretty sure Emily will trip over it. If a car drove through a puddle and Emily and Katherine were standing right next to each other, chances are Katherine would be bone dry and Emily would need a change of clothes.

It's not fair really.

Let's hope her luck changes for the better.

And oh yeah, Mother Nature, if you happen to be reading this, 75 and sunny would be nice for tomorrow, if you could arrange that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I had life to do over I would teach my children that there is no such word as "fair"and to try to look at the good in everything!My Dad was very sick from the time I was 9 months old and I never heard him say "its not fair". Marshall has never said its not fair that he has only the use of one hand. Somehow you always seem to bring out these thoughts in me.