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Wednesday, June 07, 2006


It was a little hairy getting the leads on her head, and it required me to hold her head and my sister to hold her body, but the tech managed to get them on...and in the right place too. Julia was not a happy camper (to put it mildly) but due to the fact that she was so tired and had worked herself up in to a good frenzy, she had no energy left to protest, the last half of the leads were put on with little or no fight from Julia.

She fell asleep (like she was supposed to) after about 10 minutes and then we had to wake her up about 15-20 minutes later. She was a little upset about this but, when the tech started doing this flashy light thingy at her, she started to laugh.

Taking the leads off was a much more pleasant experience then putting them on. She basically got a nice head massage with this funky oil stuff that takes the glue off and sat there talking and smiling the whole time.

Unrelated to the actual EEG, I was impressed with the time we made, considering that we could barely see two feet in front of us due to the rain. The appointment was at 12:30 and, anticipating that due to weather and just the mere fact that we were driving in to town that there would be traffic, we left at about 10:45. We got there in an hour so we had time to kill, which was nice.

Also, we stopped for lunch at Red Robin in Plymouth and while we were waiting for our food to be delivered, the waiter came over with an overflowing mug of some kind of oreo icecream thing that we didn't order and said, "This is from a secret admirer." He wasn't clear about whether or not it was for my sister or I but I am guessing it had to be my sister because, hello, I am married and I can't have secret admirers. Well maybe I can but still... it was just...weird. Of course, it could have been for Julia because you have to admit, she is pretty stinkin' cute and quite worthy of many secret admirers. She ended up eating/drinking most of the shake anyway.

So you know, my sister and I spent the rest of the time looking around the restaurant, trying to figure out who the heck it was, but we had no luck. It was the first time anything like that had ever happened to either of us and regardless of who it was meant for, it was rather flattering, and made for quite an interesting lunch/dinner!

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