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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Lat night I had a dream.

I was looking out over a body of water (a small one) and I saw a deer lying in a clearing on the cliff across the water. Emily was up there with the deer, playing behind him, but it was obvious to me that she couldn't see the deer. I was waving and trying get her attention so she see could deer, but I was afraid that if I made too much noise, the deer would hear me and run away. The deer was lying there, looking peaceful and serene, almost majestic like. It was quite a site to behold. I clearly remember seeing the sun shine through the trees and reflecting off of the water.

While I was trying to get her attention, I heard a noise in the distant woods that were to my left. I looked over, and it appeared to be dark, or getting dark, almost like those last few moments before it turns completely black at night. The last streaks of pink were on the horizon, and running through the woods I saw the silohoutte of two coyotes. I briefly felt scared, thinking that they were close to Emily but then realized they were running away from her, and that she would be fine.

So of course, I went right online this morning to see what it meant to see a deer and coyotes in a dream.

Here is what I found.

Very often a single deer in the dream represents the qualities of your character like gentleness, tenderness, understanding and need for protection and safety. A deer also may represent a person dear to you, someone who is vulnerable and needs your help and protection at present time.

Dreaming of a coyote means that your are doomed or that a serious disaster lies ahead.

The deer thing struck me immediately. Emily's playing in the woods, just behind a deer? Obviously, she is going through something (all of the stuff I have been talking about) and needs my help to get her through it.

The coyote thing scared me for a minute, until I remembered they were running away from her, not to her...basically saying that "doom and disaster" are leaving the house.

It was an interesting dream, especially after I looked up the meaning.

I love it when I have dreams that when interpreted actually mean something good!

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