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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Paw Sox: Katherine Version

Some of the many reasons I just love my Katherine to pieces? Her innocence, her gullibility (is that even a word), and her absolute cuteness that is impossible to put in to words.

This was Katherine's first baseball game, as I mentioned in a previous post. She had so many questions, and asked them so honestly, and said so many "profound" things, I just had to share them with you all.

Here goes.

"That guy, that stands behind that boy that catches the ball? He's the guy that says, strike 1, strike 2, strike 3."

"What happens if the ball goes over the wall in to those trees? Does that mean the game ends?"

(Pointing to the base) "What's that white square thing?"

(After the leftfielder missed the ball) "He was supposed to catch that!"

"How are we gonna see the game if it turns night?"

Finally, we have the "Sweet Caroline" story. The song was playing over the stadium speakers. Katherine, Emily, and I were singing our hearts out. All of a sudden, Katherine puts her hands up and says, "Wait, stop singing. Is any one else singing or just us? Because if it is just us, I am not singning anymore."

Do you see what I mean?

She's priceless!

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