" Please visit me at my new online home, www.thevolunteermom.com."

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ok, So I Lied.

I do have something.

Or, some things, as the case may be.

I just sneezed...and Julia said bless you.

I swear to God.

It came out sounding like "wet you" but it was right after I sneezed so it was pretty obvious what she was trying to say.

Just to be sure, I faked a good sneeze a few minutes later, and she said it again!

Also, if you ask her what her name is she says, "Ju-la" and if you ask her how old she is she says "two."

All of this progress...all at once.

She really is doing so well!

1 comment:

Caltechgirl said...

YAY!! Good Job Julia!