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Thursday, January 26, 2006

I Am So Sick Of...

...hearing about this group and that group being offended by, well by anything.

The Book Of Daniel: cancelled. Why? Probably because of the lunatics who protested before it was even on the air. Don't like it? Don't fucking watch it.

Randy Jackson: shocked by a contestants revelation that he was in fact a he. Gay and Lesbian support groups are horrified. He fucking looked like a girl. Don't want to be questioned about it or have people have a shocked reaction to it? Try grooming yourself to look like a boy.

Some school districts are thinking of creating an elective class regarding the historical value of the Bible. Some parents are up in arms over this. It is an elective people, not a requirement. So if you don't want your kid to take the class, don't let them.

What the hell is the world coming to? Jesus H. Christ. You know what? You have the freedom to support the separation of church and state, dress/groom however the hell you want and not watch a television show that may have religious aspects...Just like I have the right to tell you all to get of your fucking high horses and settle the hell down.

Can't it just be that simple?

And just in case it wasn't obvious, I have been a cranky bitch all week.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's my line!