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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Absence Explained

Julia and I have been running around all morning which is why I have not updated until this point today. I usually update first thing in the morning after the older kids have gone to school but I wanted to get our errands done early, so we left shortly after the kids got on the bus.

Our first stop was Emily's school, to drop off her homework, which I found on the floor just after she got on the bus. I think it must have fallen out when she was getting her gloves out of her bag. I went in to the office and the secretary called her teacher and asked her to send Emily down to get her homework. When Emily came in, the Vice Principal came out of his office and said "Hi Emily." We had a brief conversation, in which Julia was a total flirt (smiling and "making eyes" at the vice principal...too cute), and Emily left saying, "Bye Mr. B, see you at lunch." I know I have mentioned how much I love Middleboro Schools but can I just say how fabulous I think it is that the VP knows Emily, and it's not because she gets in trouble? Seriously. The staff and administration, at least the ones I have dealt with are just awesome. I can't imagine sending my kids anywhere else.

Anyway, after leaving the school, Julia and I went to my mother's office to drop off some of the plastic bins we had borrowed for the move. We went to the bank, the lab (where I had to be stuck three times before they got a vein...not that this is a surprise), and to the grocery store.

I came back home, grilled some chicken, sliced 1/2 an onion and 1/2 a tomato, and made myself a nice wrap on a whole wheat tortilla.

I just got a call from Health South asking if I had access to a fax (apparently they wanted a case history on Julia before we go in for our eval on Friday) and it reminded me that I still haven't connected that aspect of our all in one printer/fax/scanner/copier.

Anyway, that explains my absence. I am going to go and get some things done before the girls get home!

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