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Thursday, December 01, 2005


I have a lot to say but no energy left to do it. Here it all is...briefly.

Julia will be having an OT eval sometime soon. Her PT is 99% sure she has some form of Sensory Integration Disorder (click on the link in the entry previous to this one to see just what the heck that is).

Emily's bloodwork came back from her neurologist. Her med levels are on the lower end of normal which is just fine. See you in 6 months Dr. C!

I have decided to have a "Polar Express" night with the kids sometime next weekend. I have little train ornaments for them to put on the tree, Polar Express bells, the book, and the movie. I am going to be making special invites which I will be passing out at our next family meeting. More details on what exactly I plan to do will follow in a future entry.

I am leaving first thing in the AM after the kids get on the bus to head north. I am meeting my sis and nephew in Andover at her office so we can browse the craft fair and then get some lunch.

That is all!

1 comment:

Jay Solo said...

I thought sensory integration disorder, and thus autism spectrum disorders, couldn't be diagnosed until at least the age of two.