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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Still more...

information regarding Julia!

Whether or not she is actually diagnosed with SID, because of the known issues described in my previous entry, the OT will most likely put Julia on a "sensory diet." Basically, a sensory diet is a special set of activities for a child to take part in, which are individually tailored to a child's specific needs.

Given Julia's specific issues, her "diet" will probably consist of some of the following type activities:

Sand Box Play

Foot and Finger Paints

Use of Clay

Mud Pies (eww!)

Water and Flour

Playing in the Grass

Use of a box with a small hand/foot sized opening to explore objects with her hands and feet without the use of vision

Rolling down a grassy hill

Having her rub different textures such as corduroy, terrycloth, fur velvet, wet cloth etc. on her feet especially, but also her hands

These are just a few of the things they may have me do with her, there could be more.

In a nutshell, I will have to expose her to the very things she hates, so that she will get used to the idea and hopefully, with the help of OT and PT, begin to walk.

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