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Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Emily and Katherine have a 1/2 day of school today, which means they will be home at 1:30. I completely forgot that until they were out on the doorstep waiting for the bus. Oops...hey at least I remembered before they actually got home right?

I really worked my butt off around here yesterday, so aside from laundry, I think I am going to take it easy today. Julia was up last night until 12:30 which I guess technically speaking was this morning. It was one of those nights where nothing worked...diaper changing, drink, food, singing, hell even Motrin didn't work. I still have no idea what was wrong but the girl was downright pissed off for most of the night. When she finally settled, I came back downstairs and went right to bed. I am pretty sure the last conscious thought I had was something to the effect of, "Please God, let her sleep through the night." She cried out a couple of times randomly, but nothing that warranted me getting out of bed to see what was up.

I almost feel guilty complaining about these types of things because honestly, she is the easiest baby...like ever. Nights like last night are so far and few between they're almost not even on the radar.

I have a PTA meeting tonight which, although I am tired, I am planning on attending. I missed last month's meeting because I went up to Beverly to visit my sister and new nephew, so I definitely don't want to miss tonight. LOST is a repeat for the next few weeks, so rather than coming home and watching it, I will be coming home and going to bed.

Anyway, that is all. I'm off to address Christmas card envelopes!

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