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Wednesday, December 14, 2005


...feels good.

Some of you may know what a freak I am about lists. I make them all of the time, and, usually manage to cross items off as I go along.

Well, after searching various sites for ideas regarding what to get my kids for Christmas, I made two lists. One list was of the few things that I have already purchased, one was of the few things I had left to purchase.

When all is said and done, Emily and Katherine will have 6 presents each of their own to open, and two presents that will be shared between the two of them. No doubt, this is less than there have been in the past but this year, I tried (or I should say we) to do something a little different. It's called being responsible about what we spent. And it feels good.

I know that the kids are going to love what they got, and that they probably won't even know the difference between this year and years past. The magic of Christmas morning will be no less this year then it has before, even if the presents aren't as abundant. The feeling will be the same and perhaps, from our perspective as the parents, a little more so in knowing that we have done well.

So much is so different about Christmas this year. So much is better about Christmas this year.

I can't remember the last time I felt so good.

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