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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Misbehaving Children

This article definitely caught my attention. Most of you would probably think I would side with the angry parents. Most of you would be wrong. Here's why.

Let's just start with the basics. Mr. McCauley owns the cafe. He is well within his rights to post such a sign. If you are offended, or don't like it, don't go there. It really can be that simple.

As a mother of three, I am well aware (probably more so than those who know my children might think) of what a temper tantrum is like, how easily kids can snap from perfect behavior to not so perfect behavior, how no matter how many times you tell a kid not to do something, no matter how important you make it sound, they will still do it. Not only do I have kids, but, waayyyy back when, I actually was one. So, I'd like to think I have a little experience here.

Have my kids acted out in public? Hell yeah, one of them more so than the others, but that's neither here nor there. Misbehaving in public is going to happen, no matter how much you don't want it to. It's a fact.

Here's the difference between me and all those angry parents out there. If my children are not behaving appropriately, we leave. Or, we go to a private spot (like the bathroom for example) and have a good, firm talk about what is expected of them, and what will happen if those expectations aren't met. If that doesn't work, we leave. Yes, even if we are in the middle of dinner, or the middle of a movie, or in the middle of anything. Forget the people around me who may have came out to enjoy a nice dinner together sans kids, I can't even enjoy my dinner if I am too busy telling my kids not to do this that or the other thing.

Thankfully, it is not often that I have to worry about situations like that. My kids know what is expected of them, and the combination of them knowing and us enforcing, makes most events outside of the home peaceful.

The truth of the matter is that there are some parents who make the rules clear and consistent. I am one of them, and, I do believe that is one of the major reasons behind my kids behaving appropriately while in public.

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