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Friday, December 16, 2005

If you are the type of parent...

...who lets your baby "cry it out" (which BTW, I am to a degree), what is the maximum time you would let them cry before you would give in a get them?

Example: Daughter wakes up in crib crying at 10:00pm. You can tell by the cry that she is not hurt in any way, just crying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, tough one. I've let Sadie go as long as an hour, but I've never had her keep protesting that long except when she's trying to avoid a nap. Normally it's more like ten or fifteen minutes and then she'll settle herself again. If there's nothing wrong except that she doesn't want to be in bed, I'm not really sure I have an absolute limit, you know? I'll go get her if she shifts into that mode where you can tell that she isn't going to settle at all, but if it's at night she goes right back down after she calms down, and she'll generally take it better the second time.

So...it depends. Helpful, 'eh? LOL.