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Friday, December 09, 2005

Blizzard Like Conditions

I opened the door to go out and get the mail and was assaulted by fiercly blowing snow and wind. If y'all could send some "safe trip home" vibes to my kids and husband, that would be great. You know, I am usually impressed with 7 News but they have gotten the last two snowstorms wrong...and they're pissing me off. I doubt that the kids would have been going to school if the weather forcast was like this for the way home. Maybe they should bring Todd back?


Anonymous said...

We need Pete working during the day, when it counts! This is what he originially forecast, IIRC. I watched the noon news and she said it was done snowing down here! I know these things are unpredictable, but really...I mean, we can't figure it out an hour and a half ahead? Sheesh.

Hope everyone got home ok.

The Dew's said...

YESSSSSSSS the last two storms have been TOTALLY WRONG PREDICTIONS> I agree.