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Thursday, December 22, 2005


I just got back a little while ago from the last of my Christmas shopping and the weekly food shopping.

Note: People are cranky and impatient while waiting in the long lines. I don't mind really, but if you do, don't freakin' wiat til the last minute to shop. Thankyouverymuch.

Anyway, poor Julia has the cold that started with Katherine, passed ever so briefly to Emily (who definitely didn't get it as badly as Katherine did but enough that she is still coughing), and hopefully (yeah right) will stop at Julia. I can hear her breathing over the monitor, and it's all raspy and congested sounding. Her nose has been running all day long...I think I may have broken records with the amount of times I wiped it. She also has this wet sounding cough. Despite all of this, she has basically been sleeping well, which is good.


Clean house

Make Fudge

Make Pretzel Treats

Do Christmas Present thingy with kids (wrap Ryun's from them and make something for someone else).

Tomorrow: Late Night: Wrap remaining presents!

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