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Tuesday, November 29, 2005



Just an FYI.

Update: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:22am

It looks like I will be making a trip to the ER and/or dentist after getting the kids off to school. I am hoping to drop Julia off with my father.

What started off as a toothache has turned in to the left side of my face looking like I was used as a punching bag, to the point that my eye is almost swollen shut. The pain itself is barely there (thanks to the two Vicodan I took at 11 last night) but the swelling keeps getting worse, no matter how often I ice it.

I would take a picture to show y'all, but I might break the camera lens. Seriously, I look like a monster! Hey and no wise guy comments on that(AHEM RYUN)!

Anwyay, back later at some point to let y'all know how I made out!

Update 2 Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 2:32 pm.

I left the dentist with prescriptions for Motrin and Penicillin. Apparently, I have an abcessed tooth which is really weird considering how little pain I was in. Anyway, I was given an option...root canal for $724.00 after insurance or extraction for $115.00 after insurance.

My choice: Rip the sucker out. It's in the back and no one would be able to tell, unless I smiled, like really, really wide or something. Even then it might be hard. But yeah, $ 724.00...I don't think so.

I will be going back after the infection is gone.


Anonymous said...

Oh, heck yeah, they do. I've had one on and off for the last couple of months, but it hasn't been quite bad enough yet for me to say damn the expense, get me a dentist! It's enough to drive a person mad, it really is.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Good luck! Hope they can fix it easily for you.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's a tooth in my mouth worth 724 bucks. Heh.

If that's what you're paying after insurance for an extraction, I guess I'd better brace myself for sticker shock when I finally go. Scary.

I hope the infection clears up quickly for you.

The Dew's said...

Sharon I am so sorry you look like you went 12 rounds. I cant imagine. ALl i know is that i would opt to have it yanked. I had a root canal (NO INSURANCE at that time) and they didnt give me enough novacane and i felt the whole BLEEPPPPP thing.