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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sullivan Through And Through

Ryun is fixing my car today! YAY! It's weird. I am not one that goes out a lot but for some reason, being unable to go out if I wanted to really bother's me. I suppose if I had really wanted to "escape" my father would have bailed me out. Did I mention that he got laid off last week? Yeah. Good timing huh? Right before the holidays. He is actually looking in to retiring and becoming a state elevator inspector but he hasn't made any decisions yet. He doesn't really want to retire but, prospects aren't looking too good as far as a job goes. He has also put a call into his brother to see if he could hook him up with anything. Also, if you have never met my father, and you were wondering what he looked like, the picture of my Uncle Eddie should give you a pretty good idea. They look a lot a like. And hey, what the heck, if you were wondering what I looked like, I look just like my father, which means I look like my Uncle. I'm a Sullivan through and through.

An-y-way, I am going out at some point later to get paper goods, goodie bags, and a cake for Katherine's birthday party tomorrow. She invited four friends from her kindergarten class and we are going bowling. There will be a total of 6 kids (including Emily and Katherine) so I am going to get a smallish cake, hoodsie cups, and a couple of packages of juice boxes. I am also going to get her presents, but we won't be giving her our gifts until her actual birthday which is on November 25th. She is going to be six! I have no idea how, after you have children time speeds up, but it does. I am pretty sure I just had her like, last week or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you are definetly your fathers daughter

If you think time flies after having your children it goes even faster after the grandchildren and Great grandchilden are born! Seems like just yesterday that Emily was born never mind that Katherine is six.

Gramma/Great Gramma