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Monday, October 24, 2005


Julia climbed up her first stair yesterday! Isay "stair" because she made it up one and then wouldn't go any further. It was exciting, but I knew it was coming since she learned how to climb up and down off of the brick hearth around the woodstove and over the ledge that leads to the hallway from the kitchen. Needless to say, we will need to get some sort of a gate to go around the stove...can't have her getting used to climbing around near that.

If you ask Julia, "Do you love....(fill in the blank with just about anything/anyone)?" she tilts her head to the left and smiles. She is TOO. DARN. CUTE. She has really gotten in to pointing lately. She used to only point to people, but she has started pointing to inanimate objects now as well. Funny thing...sometimes when you aske her, "Where's Mama?" she points to herself. I think it is as a result of months of me pointing to myself saying, "Mama." Most of the time, she gets it right though. If you say, "Julia, what are you doing?" she looks at you with this devilish grin on her face that is so stinking cute, I can't even put it into words.

She continues to "talk" and has started to say a few things that she might mean such as Mama, Dada, Papa, and baby. It's so hard to tell sometimes whether or not she is babbling or actually means to say things.

She now gets in to everything. Nothing is safe...and I mean nothing. If she can get to it, open it, rip it, throw it..."whatever"it, she will. She has even figured out how to open the drawers of my file cabinet, ok?

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