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Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I think I may have been right on target when I mentioned that Katherine's "issues" may be a delayed reaction to the transition to kindergarten. This morning, just as she was puting her jacket on and getting her bag together for school, she complained that her " belly hurt really bad". She had been fine all morning.

I called the nurse, told her what I thought and asked her to give a heads up to Katherine's teacher. I think with a little encouragement and redirection she will be fine. Quite honestly, I was a little surprised with how well the transitiion seemed to go. Katherine's is "my girl" and she has gotten used to spending every day with me(minus the few hours a week she'd spend at preschool). I think it's finally setting in (for her I mean) that she will be gone all day, everyday and she might be having a hard time adjusting to that. She seems to like school though which is good. This could be one heck of a lot worse than it is if she didn't.

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